December 23, 2014

Blogmas: What To Wear: Christmas Edition

Blogmas is pretty much completed, and yet, here I sit one more time, trying to come up with a blog post. Honestly, this month has flown by. I'm almost half way through my senior year, worrying about colleges, jobs, and internships, not to mention my numerous blogs and social media websites I like to stay connected to, all while keeping my grades up (with an AP class, too... just had to mention that...). However, I've realized I barely even put any fashion based posts on here. With Christmas Eve tomorrow, I wanted to give a few lot of cute outfits that I really like, especially if you're like me and my family and are going to Christmas mass (what a perfect time to dress up!). Plus, I always find it so hard to try to find inspiration for my outfits, usually waiting until lat minute to throw it all together. Don't pull a Maddy.

A World AloneCarol of the Bells
Auld Lang SyneCocoon coatsBlue JeansWhite Taffeta Dress SetGrace KellyPlay Date

I hope you didn't find this post too lame, but I honestly ran out of ideas like 3 weeks ago. If it wasn't for my mum and sister constantly nagging me to get these articles up, I would have quit already.

**Images from my sister's and my polyvore accounts**

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