December 17, 2014

Blogmas: Christmas at the Academy

Today's post is a little bit different. Instead of giving my bit of "holiday inspiration" I've decided to write about my day; well technically night. See, at my school there was an event going on called Christmas at the Academy. I was in charge of taking pictures of the event for yearbook. For the first few minutes after arriving I knew in my heart that I was going to be bored out of my mind, wondering how in the world I got roped in to doing this. Then it occurred to me, that I volunteered to do this, not to mention my sister took part in the singing portion. Anyways, after sucking up my inner annoyance at the world, I started to really get into the music and enjoy the performance.

There were two choirs that performed their own renditions of Christmas classics (which sounded like heaven. I know I always say this, but I can't emphasize enough how true it is!!!!!). After the singers were through, I stayed to watch the jazz bands perform as well, and I have to say I am quite impressed. They were perfectly in sync for most of the performance. This whole event took place in about 1 1/2 hours and it got me thinking, if you could leave all of your drama and commitments at home for less than 2 hours, wouldn't you do it? You don't have to have an excuse like taking pictures for yearbook to go do something fun to take your mind off of all of the holiday stress. Take time for yourself, especially during the winter season. After all, it is all about peace, love, and joy. Next time you need a break but are worrying about what will happen if you do take the needed time off, just think WWMD: What Would Maddy Do?

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